January 13, 2008The weekend after Thanksgiving William and I started on our big winter project. The objective is to clear out a jungle mass that makes up one corner of the property. This is the "before" view.
The jungle in questions starts at the far left of the image above and continues to behind the barrel on the right. It's a distance of about 70 yards. The dirt road that leads to our three neighbors' houses is immediately on the other side of the jungle, and then open farm fields beyond that. The jungle certainly provides a lot of privacy, and during the summer it keeps every Tom, Dick, and Harry from being able to snicker at our pathetic vegetable garden as they drive by. That privacy is nice, but it just looks like hell. Especially during the summer when all of the vines are leafed out. This photo is the winter-view which is at least a third less dense.
This photo is shot from a different angle, but you can start to see the cedar trees, especially the taller one on the right. (We've named them Laurel and Hardy for obvious reasons.) The cedars are in better shape than I expected after being consumed for decades. They're not gorgeous, but they should fill out once freed. So, that's what we've been up to around here! -- Bill |