July 27, 2008Several weeks ago, we received a surprise package in the mail with more photos from the past of Enon Hall. These photos were taken sometime in the 1970s during a visit by a distant Hathaway cousin who is now sharing them with us. (Thanks, Carolyn!) The aerial photo below is particularly cool.
It's always interesting when we get photos like these to try to identify trees that are still here. I can identify a number of trees in the front yard that are still here. Including these three: 1) cedar, 2) crepe myrtle, and 3) red maple.
If you roll your mouse over the aerial photo above, you can see their locations. I took the photo above from about where the carport ends in the aerial photo. Things are dry as a bone around here right now, but the crepe myrtle is really flourishing. This second 1970s photo (below), looking down our dirt road, was taken during the fall harvest, judging from the two combines and the tractor trailer.
In this photo you can also see one of the fence posts that lined the edges of the farm. Several years ago, we salvaged the last one (fallen over and lying in a ditch) and turned it into our mailbox post.
Sadly, another trace of Enon Hall Farm disappeared this week as the old equipment shed on the edge of our property was demolished by its new owner.
I believe the 3-bay shed was built sometime in the 1940s and has been in use continuously for storage. Ever since William and I did that clearing work last winter, we've enjoyed being able to see the shed from our screened porch and kitchen. Over the years, it was never kept in repair so I'm sure it wasn't in great structural shape, even though it appeared to still be square. Probably the new owner just didn't want to deal with it. Now, that it's gone, I sure wish I had a better photo of it. William took some really neat photos of it several years ago on a foggy morning, but I can't seem to find those files. The poorly lit photo above was taken this winter during the clearing project. Surprisingly, we don't miss it as much as I first feared when a distraught Gay called and told me that a front loader was pulling it down. Our next door neighbors didn't even notice it was gone until it was pointed out to them. But we all hold the same fear...what if he tore it down to build some new metal shed in its place? I sure hope not. I think we and the other neighbors would hate looking at that. What's Gay been up to? She always has projects going around here, including reupholstering a wing chair.
The dining room is consumed by this project.
Gay and I reupholstered this chair and another about 18 years ago. They're both due for a redo.-- Bill |