Enon Hall


These journal entries track our progress as we undertake our adventure of restoring this very old home. The main reason for keeping this journal on the web is that we have found that there are very few resources (books or websites) that follow all of the trials and tribulations of restoring an old home...from start to finish.

October 1, 2000

We spent the day limbing up more cedars and pulling miles of vines running to the tops of trees. Sowed grass seed. Backyard should look great in the spring.

Also test-stripped the paint off of a small area of beaded board in the law office. The paint came off pretty easily exposing the original red stain. But can we really do this to the whole room?? Would take years! -- Bill

October 21, 2000

This has been a busy month for us so we haven't been able to get to Enon Hall as frequently as usual. We spent the day there today, but didn't tackle any major projects. Meanwhile, I'm working to finish a measured floorplan.

Earlier this week we received copies of photos of Enon Hall from 1950-1951! These pictures were kindly sent to us by Don MacKenzie who lived at Enon Hall during that period.

This is the only photo that we have ever seen of the Enon Hall barns. This photo and the photo of the back of the house were taken from the windmill. Thanks Don! -- Bill



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